a containerized dream

During a rather peculiar set of circumstances I had a realization that beliefs were simply strongly held fantasies; this is an idea which is both frightening and liberating at the same time.

My scientific world view simply crumbled as I saw it was composed of fluff. And airy fluff at that.

The next thing I understood was that the me focused on the world was not all of me or even a significant part of Me. Behind me was something infinitely more comprehending and capable. In a moment I stepped back from myself and beheld the difference between the two.

I feel held deep in the river of life by a greater part of me that I normally don't sense.

On a related note some years later I had the strangest dream about what I might really be:

Imagine for a moment a cavernous gray cell then think about a rhinoceros sized blue tear-drop shaped electrical cloud grunting energetically around the floor.

Weird, isn't it?

I had been dreaming, and the dream abruptly ended. There I was at rest on the floor of this cavernous box, a roiling blob of vibrating energy.

I felt strangely peaceful although I was very aware of the drone and power of my vibration. I held myself there momentarily observing the walls, comfortable and content until I decided to create a new dream, and put my cat and all my friends in it.  I powered up, felt myself revving, and exploded to fill the space; and there I was, me in the new dream, creating the world exactly as I wanted it. Until I woke to this life.
