It takes effort to create a piece of fiction, especially readable fiction, and I should think that creativity of the kind that creates my dreams should be required to work more. That would be more fair, and I believe virtuous. I’m simply much smarter asleep than awake and it bothers me. I think I should like to go through life asleep, I would do much better in so many things.
It would be nice if I could come away with something really inspiring from my dreams, but they confuse me. Such variety, colors, textures and experience. I am inclined to think they should tell me something, but the simple truth is they’re my dreams. And dreams are just dreams, right?
I have visited the gods or been visited by them, so much that I believe them to be friends; and I have seen madmen in my dreams and dictators and heads of state; visited ancient places and the moon planets unknown to us, but promised in the future. Some of the dreams seem like they could be today, but me in a different life that could have been. Or in a world that could have been. Or perhaps a different world or time altogether.
But there is only one world?
What if the basic assumption that we operate on that there is only one: one world, one Maya, one universe, one person, one soul, one God is wrong? What if the whole scheme of things is based on a misconception that we are real?
What if we and everything about us is only here virtually?
Perhaps there is only one BOX that flickers with electrical life and we are all a series of images and ideas within its vision.