We generally think of ourselves as thinking and feeling although you can laugh that some people don't or aren't.
And the face we show to the world may not look very thoughtful or feeling.
But in the midst of all this intense and desperate posturing which accompanies our struggles in life, in the back of the psyche where we contemplate in privacy there is a fairy like thought that creeps up on us and whispers into our inner ear.
It disguises itself as unimportant, playful and improbable; but asks us a question and then vanishes.
In the midst of a cold dark night, it is the hope for a warm ride. When hopelessly alone; an endearing companion; or even a smile on the face of a stranger. .
To each of us a different improbable event; object or person.
I give my whimsical wish and find it materializing around me. As if some magical person behind the curtain were seriously considering the consequence of my life.