I think of my dreams as adventures, sometimes horrifying and sometimes a peek into a completely different world. But when I think of how diverse and creative they are I am a little surprised.
My little brain came up with all that?
And my dreams tell me curious things.
I've had what I might call precognitive dreams, that in retrospect were quite clear that, for example my cat would die, or that I would have some surgical procedure done to my abdomen. Surprisingly, my first warning.
There are idiots who will say that my mind or brain is coming up with this stuff for Freudian reasons. Or some other reason. But the fact is sometimes my mind knows things that it is not expected to know. And is either terribly creative, visionary or sees things remotely in space and time.
That's a little frightening if you grew up thinking the world obeyed scientific laws; it throws them out the window.
I'm not good at figuring out what my dreams mean. I'm not sure I want to know what they mean; but most of all I don't want to know when something painful is going to happen.
But the dream predates the pain and is predictive.
Some times a dream is telling me that something is going on at some distance.
When I dream that someone died, they're dead. But I tend to dream about a death about the time it is happening. I fell asleep at 4:00 in the afternoon one Saturday and had a nightmare about someone I knew. I dreamed I was him, dying.
Unpleasant, but accurate.
I was sitting in the Chicago airport waiting for my flight to Madison Wisconsin when the feeling came upon me that I had permission to die. I thought I could die if I wanted to. The feeling stuck with me for a while because it is something that is basically foreign to me. I have not been given permission to die yet.
My brother-in-law was dying. Right then. I found out a few days later.
As you have probably guessed by now, I believe that I will die when I wish to abandon the world. Which seems perfectly normal to me.
I find it equally unpleasant when my dreams inform me of a large body count somewhere in the world and I have to watch. They can be places I know very little about; like Kashmir. Why would I dream about that? In bloody color.
In my dreams, time is oddly dimensioned.
Past, future, multiple presents and lives that run along side mine, more or less.
An odd thing is when I have a dream; like the one where one of the gas giants (I think Uranus but could have been Neptune) was up in the sky instead of the moon.
Close enough to suck stuff into space which according to what I think I know had to have happened so long ago that man should not have been on the planet; let alone a technical civilization that strongly resembled ours.
But I suppose our paleontologists probably don't know everything either. They've just got the bones they can find.
Or it might be in the future; which horrifies me.
I do regret contradicting much of established science; but my dreams do that every time I know something in vivid color that I should not.
I dream about lives that resemble mine in my parents, siblings and time setting but not necessarily all three in the same dream. Other dreams resemble our time with the same people but obviously different genetic makeup.
I have dreamed of a world where the air pollution is so bad every back yard is glassed in and the quality of your house and life is determined by the quality of your air filtration system.
Other dreams are clearly of different civilizations and I cannot tell if it is forward, back or sideways.
Time is thought to be linear, but my dreams tell me it is more complex than that. I wonder if it is real at all.
So what can I say definitively?
If I can see things in my dreams that are future, past or sideways then our concept of time is sorely lacking.
Nothing is real in the sense that we like to think things are real. But things are real in a different sense. And real once means real forever.